Alter Mirror

Central to Warawana mythologies is the awareness of poly-temporality and unseen scales and forces present in any experience of place or person. To practise this, often reflective surfaces are distorted or disturbed, acting as a blurring of boundaries of ‘self’ and incorporating queer thinking into daily rituals.

Open Edition

blown glass form, hand-silvered, base in steel or stone
Each 425 x 310 x 80mm

Made with Tom Rowney and James Young during ‘designer in residence’ at Canberra Glassworks 2024

From MYTHICA IGNOTA Artefacts of the Oscillocene and Warawana Mythologies

Designing Mythology is a questioning and proposal for old ways / new to exist as humans, using the process of 'mything' to reorientate back towards the planet, and recalibrate our value systems by dismantling the current shadow metaphors of the Western-colonial worldview. It proposes the restorying of scientific perspectives to offer a cosmology that includes humans as part of the living world whilst simultaneously removing us from the centre. Thus a recognition and return, via a circuitous route, to the worldviews, deep connection and sustainment of the first peoples of our planet.

More here.

Photographer Pew Pew Studio and Brenton McGeachie courtesy of Canberra Glassworks

Acquisition inquiries via Sophie Gannon Gallery